If you knew how much trouble the universe went to for us to be here, now, standing in front of each other, you'd know we're going to have to be careful.
Plankton and plants and canals, a hundred suns, a thousand sailing ships, ten thousand civilizations, a million, million, million first kisses from all our mothers and fathers.
We owe it to them, to be careful.
So true.
I love how you manage to say the most beautiful and too often over looked ideas in such a simple way.
Careful. And grateful, too.
Thank you for being the much needed voice of the home we all take for granted.
Luv luv,
E <3
aah part of this was on your myspace audio page :)
it is indeed really beautiful.we owe it to everyone who loves us to be careful.
Holy, never thought of it that way.
wow this really makes you stop and think of all the lives before that are the chain of who we are. The unwanted pregnancies, the lost loves, the broken hearts, the wild romances, the life long partners all these things are there somewhere - love it thank you
Thought provoking and true - so good.
the universe exists because things crashed together and exploded. the landscape was sculpted by raging rivers that cut into mountains and by volcanos that poured their burning hearts out over everything. and we are here because people rushed, longing and desperate, into each other. soemtimes we have to throw caution to the wild winds and just jump the fuck in.
Should I let him know this?
Thanks for making me stop and think.
Brilliant image.
i wasn't careful. please come back to me.i promise next time i will be.
I'm too nervous to make the first move!
you wrote this for me.
thank you so much!
i don't care what they say because they don't understand how i feel and how you feel. we'll be together again one day :)
oh. my. goodness. this is amazing. i could only wish that you were my love, writing these words for me. so amazing.
How beautiful is this?
No we dont owe it to be carefull we actually owe it to be reckless. To love reckless and listen to your heart instead of thinking with your head.
Your words never fail to leave me with shivers..
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